Cori Scherer

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8 Tips To Lower College Debt

FRIDAY, you've arrived!

This week flew by so much so that I'm almost in shock it was Monday 4 days ago.  I've been


 writing, filming, and planning a super exciting challenge (stay tuned for more on that) and somehow an entire week flew by!  JEEZ.

If you keep up with me on


, you saw that I announced that Fridays on

my YouTube channel

will now be "Finance Fridays".

Yeah, we're gonna be talking about money money MONAY...MONAY!  Because nobody does.

We've created some stigma that talking about money in any way shape or form is hush hush.  Don't ask questions about money, don't initiate a conversation about money, but start making some and figure it out.

...And that's exactly what we'll be doing on my channel.  Talking about money, sharing tips and tricks to save more, earn, reap benefits, and just be more




first video in the series

is all about 8 ways to lower college debt.  We all know college is expensive AF, and the burden of debt at all, but especially student debt, can be SO overbearing that it can take people a lifetime to pay off.  That's no fun.

I put together 8 tips for you, a brother/sister, friend, child, WHOEVER, to lower their college expenses.  Most of these can also be applied to lowering debt in general, but I made these specific to school.

I suggest watching the full video so you can hear my personal stories, more details, and how these tips impacted me while I was in school, BUT to give you a summarized list of what we're talking about, here ya go:

See this content in the original post

You can hear more about these tips, listen to me blab about my personal experience, and get more details in my YouTube video!

See this content in the original post

Let me know if you have any specific requests or questions for Finance Friday content or just in general!  
