My Blogging Schedule

t shirt dresses for fall
Houston Fashion Bloggers

Houston Fashion Bloggers
Houston Bloggers
Satin Dress
Adidas Superstar with dress
It's Friday, so today I'm featuring a casual, comfortable outfit that you can rock with sneakers or heels for this long weekend!

I still remember the first time someone asked me how I balance a full-time job, working out, and my blog.  I  was so excited because from the outside it really, truly looked like I had my life together.  I guess on a general level, I'm pretty balanced, but the majority of the time, I don't quite feel like I have it together!  Some days I'm checking things off my to-do list like a madwoman, and other days I can't remember why I walked into the kitchen. 

I've read tons of blog posts about others' blogging schedule, and I too think they have it way more together than I do.  I recently purchased myself a planner in hopes that seeing my tasks and posts written out would help me plan farther in didn't.

I don't have any sort of a Monday-Sunday schedule, but I do have a few practices that work for me and can hopefully help a few of you out who are trying to juggle tasks!

Write when you have time: I know, this isn't ground breaking.  But I've found that setting time aside for me to write just doesn't work and the quality doesn't seem right.  Something never feels authentic to me about this.  If I have a window at home or between work projects, I'll open a tab and start writing.  Often times, I'll write and save it as a draft to add photos later or tie it into something else.
Write when you're inspired: I have an ongoing note on my phone to jot down ideas for posts.  Sometimes these don't go through, but I always look back at this when I have time to write.  Whenever I think of a good idea, find a piece I want to feature, or think of a topic I want to discuss, I put it in the note or write on the spot if possible.
Write when you're energized: Don't write when you're exhausted after a long day.  Chances are it will suck.  Trust me, I've tried it...a few times.  I've either fallen asleep at the computer or just had to pick it up and finish the next day.
Write if you have a deadline: This is obvious, but if you have a sponsored post to write and need to meet a deadline, prioritize that and block off some time.
Write because you simply enjoy it: This is a big one for me.  Times have changed, and TONS of people write blogs.  Which is great.  But we also live in a society where Influencer Marketing is huge, and this involves lots of sponsored content, product placements, and trying to roll in that cash.  Of course, everyone has to pay the bills and extra cash is always nice.  BUT, I've found that some of the best blog posts (both mine and others I read) are ones where someone is just writing.  Writing about something they love, something they feel passionate about, angry about, etc.  I love incorporating fashion and fun pieces (as I did in this post), but a blog should really be started because you love to write.  Or you love photography, travel, animals, whatever. 

If you've been following this blog (big thank you!), you may notice that my posts go live early in the morning around 6AM CST.  I like to upload my posts in the morning and promote them in the early morning or around lunch.  I've found that this works for me, but I definitely want to switch it up and see how it goes!

I'd also love to do more posts about Marketing + Influencer Marketing, so if you'd be interested in that, definitely let me know!

I'm always interested in others' tips for writing, blogging, and staying on track.  Let me know your best tips and what scheduling has worked best for you!


Cori SchererGirl Boss